
Ascension Basics: Escaping Societal Matrix.

Mandela Effect: The End Of Your Comfort.

Your world as you knew it before is changing very fast. Some people have vanished from your life and some you can not relate with anymore no matter how hard you, and the people in your life try. Some will despise you without any valid reason. So, when this is happening, it means that you are ready to face the unknown, thus, life/universe/god is assisting to speed up your freedom from space time experience, and become a Lucid Dreamer within the physical dream which planet earth, the entire physical cosmos really is although we programmed our sensory organs & the world to report distortions which have become an addictive state to the majority who do not remember purity of mind. This progress of freedom only starts to happen after you are not happy with your old way of living. When you are unhappy with your old life, your mind starts to open to new ideas. Without the curiosity to experiment with the idea that perhaps the world we see is in fact subjective projected objectively, there would be not enough energy or zeal to pull you into a subjective direction which means your life, relationships or comfort zone would have remained the same, and you would be ruining your life just like the rest by remaining in the familiar realms of fearful people seeking for agents to distract (distort) themselves from hearing the Calling. The more your old world breaks down the more you get detached from things, and people in a mental level for preparations sake. The more you get detached, the more you feel content by being by your self which becomes it’s own paradox, because people will be attracted to you since you do not need anything or anybody outside your self. You are thus releasing your self from giving your mental power to the outside matrix world thus its hold on you is weakening. And the ability to hear the Calling increases. The more the matrix voice weakens the stranger your life becomes in both the good, and bad ways, so be prepared, for the dream has indeed manifested an artifical deity known as Satan which indeed can hijack devices, people & animals for it’s on “Agent Smith” purposes to get you back and adjust your mind to our shared, but insane collective maya state.

Dark Night Of The Soul: Between Two Worlds.

As explained in many different ways in my earlier article. The Dark Night (a.k.a Existential Crisis) is a time of grieving the life that you knew before, but which was all a lie. Your system got shocked & you needed time to integrate the fact that we live in an illusion that is trying to lure us back to its grips. This means that the life you thought you were living was not beneficial for you except, of course, if you still wanted to remain living a lie, which some will do by dreaming or overthinking. This means that most of your relationships from the past will not support your change, simply because they are not mentally ready, for the further adjustment to an over-cluttered mind is pervasively attractive. When you go trough the Dark, you are not a cognisant match with the old way of living (cognitive dissonance) which means relationships, things and passions are not a match. At least for a while. Many must be boomeranged back to living with their parents for the final time in order to solve Ancestral karma & start the real process of Biblical Ascension which will demand abundant focus so many have failed to gain. When it comes to passions or hobbies; well, In my case my old passions did re-surfaced but since they are more fun based rather than a serious thing, I have been gaining more opportunities in those fields. This are only a means to an end however & should not be taken seriously no matter how fun it may appear because Reptilians among us will destroy it anyway, as your light becomes obvious to Demonic entities . This world of Flesh-Edom does not work & when you integrate to your new developed understanding, your mind has to eventually frustrate even the possibility to find happiness with a more pure perception within time. Even a cleansed perception will not work to deal with a broken world. You must eventually learn about  magic or witchcraft in order to be a true Priest or Oracle. And join the rest of us to channel a Biblical destruction for this flesh or  mindlessness perserving system, then help a biolocating essence of Jesus or Christian Kunimi to replace a new Native system, which is also an integral part to save or evaporate the one Collective Son of God free.

Diatery Law.

As you progress in your growth, you will discover that the Gift of God is whole, no aspects of his Son is void of Light! Your mind is becoming serene enough to see that a lot of our foods are processed, and the idea behind that is to dull our biological body system, and make it less Aware of your direct connection with the Universe, and that we are made of the exact same fabric as the Stars or Universe: Mass of Atoms. So when you eat a bunch of junk, with no alkaline, you are digesting your body intelligence with information about death & destruction.  Your crown chakra becomes plagued, which leads to a domino effect of more poor choices in all areas of life. Oblivion is total, never partial. Same goes with life eternal.

You Prefer Nature & Peace.

When you start to wake up you will enjoy the intelligence and vibration of nature and will notice how much a simple 30min walk in nature refreshes the body mind. I am not an expert in telling the biological effects of it but the yearning to go to nature, and spend more, and more time there, will be more common. If you go to city central, it tends to be due to a calling/ mission, to use cities as a means, not just to “hang out”.

Less Afraid Of Death.

The beginning stages of Awakening from the dream of birth and death is really a conscious or Alternative way of dying. The experience, that tends to be a gradual process to most of us, is like going beyond our childhood. In order to have that experience however, the things that were blocking this Awareness you had even during your first years of childhood must go. When you lose everything, and even your old way of thinking, while still appearing to be in this world, you, my friend, have just died, without having to physically die. You have experienced the loss of your old self and you are ready to live a life on earth as a resurrected Ascended Master, or as some like to call Christ personafied. Personality will usually stay pretty much the same, hence your family will not notice the change immediately, which means the stages of releasing your family has not quite started yet, but is about to start, and this will be usually a hostile situation because your presence alerts the entire Thought System of The Ego, which has become an entity: Spiritual Demon Satan. Basically, your presence reflects Jesus & other oracles that got killed and casted out from society because their presence stimulates the Larger mind to a new life form our bodies were programmed to fight against, like a magic wand that casts spells. You can try to be like Clark Kent and hide your energy, but you will be spotted eventually because we are surrounded by insect entities who are telepathic & like a hive satellite, they are directly controlled by Satan, which They Live film is about. The film is not about Edom, or other people still as sleep. So, when you integrate your learning while suffering in your hermit phase, you eventually become very effective in your daily tasks & will attract the realms of military, FBI, CIA or Gang Stalking that have marked your  highly aware self as ET. This is where Vatican and Crypto Jews in their envy step in; to try and get rid of you, because you managed to activate the Sacred Secretion oil within, which is Gods means to wake up his Sleeping Collective & hallucinating Son.


But you are still not ready to be fully free, and you can not be trusted… After this honeymoon period, you must let go of any hopes for this world to work, and channel the end or “death” to this time-space experience which is clearly a story about a broken system or injustice. We will talk about this as we go along. After dark night and it’s integration, you are ready for another stage to salvation. This is a stage where the sifting officially begins, and will attract the world of Freemasons, warlocks, witches and Vatican demons, also beneficial Biblical “UFOs” into your life. This is the secret dream of the larger collective mind the mundane world was created to cover or defend, so that this hidden dimension of wickedness can not be healed, and we will forever remain guilty. This is a secret dimension kept hidden from the public. Your friends and family never left you, they literally are in a much lower dimension of time, which looks like a carbon copy of your own, but that dimension from your past self is based on a much lower frequency, and is over peopled, due to their need to be distracted. In a way, you were tricked to be initiated to this next and hardest stage, but the only stage, which will lead you to truly appreciate the contribution of Jesus, the prophets and teachers, thus, to be truly able to join Jesus in One mind, not as a body. Before this stage, and including in your dark night, you are still lying about your love towards all the prophets, Jesus and God. All symbols of love are still meaningless to you, because you are not fully convinced, that the world is meaningless. This is where drinking the cup of Jesus is your only option now, and it will not be easy.  Without this step, you will not sharpen a Law beyond the Newtonian and modern laws of physics – you will not sharpen FAITH, & will remain in a limbo where you analyze only the illusion of a world, which we created to be meaningless, to oppress our souls, which leads to the forgetfulness of God, & to the belief In FAITHLESNESS. Faithlesness leads to the concrete belief of autonomy as a body brain complex, at the mercy of a hostile world, & where attack & building mental & physical defense appears justified. Thus, do not make the mistake, as so many are doing right now, where they rather continue to read these earlier articles that appear to project blame on other people, or the world. This is not so, and to use these early articles as a means to be right, and judge others as wrong, is still a world type mentality. An advanced mind knows this would be your attempt to blame Jesus and God of why your life did not work by using the world/people as a means, or alibi, to prove how rotten your life is, and how it is Creations fault, and deserves your wrath. This is not a responsible approach and this is not an attitude I recommend because people like Jesus (Yahawahshi) and the apostles were serious men, and can not tolerate the current worlds behavior. Like us, they also, if not more, sacrificed their lives to people that in majority turned out to be full of crap, or wicked, with no respect or appreciation. In fact, majority crucified the image of the real Jesus by replacing him with a hippie, gay and all hugging Leper suffering Jesus, which is a mockery to a man who sacrificed his life, so that the Larger Mind or Super Ego will not shut it self completely, leaving us forever inside the dream bubble of purgatory, but which is hijacked trough witchcraft by modern day Fake-Jews or Khazars & their re-established Reptilian Freemasonry, who learned this black magic from earlier attempts, mainly starting in Afrikas Babel, then Afrika Egypt and later Greece, Pagan Rome etc. The idea is to keep this purgatory state running, and exploit people to a point where we lose our spiritual Awareness and become hive minded RFID-chipped human androids with no Will. The final mark of the beast in the Bible, which is the RFID-microchip, is the final means to dim our Atomic Awareness to complete forgetfulness.

Awaken From The Dream of Birth & Death: Why Life Falls a Apart.

Why Life Falls Apart In Ascension.

The reason shit starts to hit the fan as you detach from Ego Consciousness of (A Gigiantic Crown of Thorns) that kept you in a sleep like experience of life, is because you are being called to the Unknown by the Universe detaching you from your comfort zones, but which is also a comfort zone of others you made a spiritual agreement with by your presence, and must accept the means to go trough these spiritual contracts or etheric bonds, in detail, then hopefully see the dynamics & values of the ego within these normalized human relations & finally declare your spiritual independence (eventually a physical one) from them, for they were all based upon trading, not Unconditional Love. Yes, you were caught up in a witch craft based system of Freemasonry that has reinforced peoples Ancient desire to justify a role of being a victim, which is same as to justify attack. Both are synonyms with the desire to keep the illusion of indivduated minds stuck in brains. The idea of your life falling apart is to make you prepared to Trust your Self as an extension of the Universe (or God, if you will). It is a period of sorting out the means beneficial for everyone. In this sorting out, it is you who become the light of the world rather than relying on a changing external world, which you were doing before answering the call to Ascend from the frequencies of victim & victimization thought streams. We all did that, because that is how we got programmed by a deceptive & reincarnated Ancient Babylonian system aiming to justify attack which keeps the frequencies of fear buried in our unconscious. And as this Ancient desire remains unconscious, so does the belief we are separated & justified to be defensive stay buried too, for they are the same in content. None of us knew there is a divine order in this insane planet so we never Trusted this intelligence that is within us (Universal energy/ mass of atoms that is One with Source) so we created our own safety with relationships and society in general to keep us in safety from perceived harm. But a safety net which was our own self made prison house due to its limitations or polices. Some people went as far as to accept their semi comfortable nine to five jobs and were willing to stay there until they reach their retirement age. This is not however what universal energy wants from us. The universe wants you to be fully free not semi free. There really is no compromise with this. Everything that was limiting your life even by 2 percent will go. No matter how great the sex was with your spouse, if he or she limits you in other areas of life then it will not last even if you resist the change. It happens step by step to many people because the fear of liberation is so strong. We have gotten too comfortable within our golden cage and are not comfortable with the freedom: doing the creativity work we love, being around amazing people, inspiring and helping people. That is what we all want deep inside, but minds in need to be re-adjusted to a Thought system that can produce these advents, then gently reach brahman where we have fulfilled our earthly function, then leave this realm trough Enlightenment, or semi Enlightenment, which leads the one to be beamed up by “UFO” star ships.

The Hero’s Journey.

The phase where everything goes upside down can take time and tends to be scary to many because the ones who are not ready for this will appear having all things figured out while your life makes no sense anymore. Please take heart. You are simply going trough a divine transformation. You are allowing your self to be crucified to the cross in your own unique way so just allow that to happen and do not fight it. Rebuilding your life will also take few years so allow your self to be a mess for a while. You will also notice the people who are there for you and the ones who are not there for you. Rely on God the most because you must be molded to re-become Kingdom minded, and eventually forget these earlier writings, and hopefully absorb the Universal Warning which articles like these are trying to lead the reader to understand, then exemplify. Ultimately your life is not really falling apart but it is actually falling into place. You just need patience. Life really is like a movie and what you are going trough is a typical heroes journey from the comfortable life towards the unknown. Ultimately the challenges you have will enrich you and you will eventually return to society and spread your knowledge to the people in need. You are literally a gift to planet earth if you endure.


“We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Life Falling apart is an initiation to Dark Night of the soul, or the belief in the entire meaninglessness of todays world. It is an unsettling period, but it will settle as you keep believing in your self. After enough integration you will eventually find out that this Life-falling-apart thing is a mental preparation for a Biblical “UFO” Euthanasia which is rebelled secretly by Rothchild family- Bloodline who are the main target for the Biblical “UFOs” mentioned many times in the Bible as clouds, whirlwinds etc. The “UFOs” and the end of carnal Kingdoms or systems are very basic actually, although in experience, it can be horrible if you are in the frequency red zone, which carnality is all about. After Life-falling-apart, many men are called to channel these “UFOs” to provoke Rothchilds & EU-NATO to hasten declaring War against the Biblical “UFOs” too. The freemasonic thought system must be checkmated to go all the way with depopulating people. You will be grateful that life fell apart, because it was not a life, it was all a slaughter house leading you to slaughter, to prove your self God does not exist; that a world of dreams, not spirit. This dimension of time takes a form of depopulation military tactic known as COVID19-Ukraine war and martial laws which, in reality, is the collectives need to keep the belief in Sin real. And deny our inheritance as abstract spirit or mind which perfection is: A Primal Thought.

Awakening From The Dream: The Dark Night Of The Soul.

The Dark Night Of The Soul: A Deciding For God.

 And thou hast cast me forth into the deep, in the heart of the sea, and a flood hast compassed me: all thy billows, and thy waves have passed over me. (Jonah 2:3)

Saint John Of  The Cross’s Concept of The Dark Night Of The Soul is a concept of the last steps in the Beginning Stages of Souls purgation where you are not ready to continue because you are holding on to your old life or relationships, regarless of the evident cognitive dissonance, which your Esoteric disciplinary practices brought about, which included the realization that our relationships were really based upon policing one another unconsciously to serve the Egos Thought System. This conflict of man was well hinted trough Saint John of Cross in codes when God fronted Bibles Daniel, an Anointed one, but who still had subconscious or concealed aspects of self still having earthly desires or hopes: From the beginning of thy prayers the word came forth: and I am come to shew it to thee, because thou art a man of desires: therefore do thou mark the word, and understand the vision (Daniel 9:23). And so, DNOTS is a grieving process of a life that is now lost & you don’t know what next. Here you are incresingly aware that you are at unison with a needy dialectrical electro magnetic field – the collective one son – that feeds from your bodies plasma by utilizing mainly reptilians & humans as it’s proxy. And even as you become less angry, less anxious & a more happy forgiving-self, it is still the small self housed in a body & in a world set up where individuality is maintained by playing king of the mountain hence there is no hope in the world except as a means to an end. The full acceptance of this will not happen in a long time; DNOTS just makes you increasingly aware of the worlds hopelessness or that you are not called to make life better in the physical universe – which you are battering trough your third eye – or even establish a heaven on earth. The most ideal is to leave the entire sandbox because the physcal realm was conceived from the principle of sacrifice. You are more than likely surrounded by infant minds at this point, ready to throw you to a mental hospital (Systematic defence) if you talk about this, because infant minds have over learned the linear world, hence are better at adjusting themselves to earthly situations. DNOTS is a half-dead experience because the one in the DNOTS perceives being stuck & unproductive in this stage due to the decreased ego motivations that got gracefully burned trough Celestial Practices, but a motivation – from the perspective of flesh that is – at least motivated the one to achieve things in the past & often was praised by the world. But in the DNOTS, now we look back in purgatory contemplation, often reflecting all our wretched offences we did unconscously living in a normalized Freemasonic system, hence you hear quotes in psalms 39:2 such has: I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence from good things: and my sorrow was renewed. This is where the decision making part of the mind (Reality) can sense the gravitational pull of God within, uttering or radiating more psalms like: My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God  (42:2)? Yet, as lovely as the Awareness or pull of Gods omnipresence *IS* within our collective Maya state – now as an offical inbetweener – the pull of the world (Black Mirror, Matrix or Holographic Counter space) becomes also accentuated, but a pull between two opposite Universes which has tortured the body since our birth, but was numbed trough Reptilian vaccines & the worlds culture that reflects the Egos Thought System that vexes bodily or mindless awareness. Since you have melted enough ego beliefs (Clutter of Thoughts) trough your stoic, meditative & esoteric practices, & have reached a deeper sublime heredity, there is no way to deny the conflict everyone suffers as bodies. And the body is a symbol of a deformity of thought (Plane of Inertia) where an abstract mind & seemingly wrapped by flesh, is in between two opposing forces, but is not aware of this anymore, for the Reptilian world was made to suppress this decision making dwelling place between two Thought Systems or spirits to be forever unconscious, or out of our awareness. A dwelling place where we can & must authentically, unequivocally, or Universally, communicate as decisive minds, a path that leads to a gentle conscious way of dying back to Source. Or, choose the other road of thorns that leads to a reprobate dimension of time & where your mind amplyfies the predatorial magnetic grid, producing unconsciouss sense of shame. The ones spiritually engineering themselves, are gradually aware of this pull to two different directions regardless of the GMO foods, vaccines & other masonic abominations we employed to prevent this experience from happening. This undeniable Awareness of our wretched condition as one, but the little hope to re-establish our vision to forgive others, hence ourselves, was spoken thus in psalms: 12 Thou hast corrected man for iniquity. And thou hast made his soul to waste away like a spider: surely in vain is any man disquieted. 13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and my supplication: give ear to my tears. Be not silent: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner as all my fathers were.14 O forgive me, that I may be refreshed, before I go hence, and be no more (Psalms 12-14) etc. And so it is, that in the Dark Night, this vacillation between two mutually exclusive Thougth Systems (Spirits) is experienced extremely energy consuming or painful: “From above He has sent fire into my bones, And it overpowered them; He has spread a net for my feet And turned me back; He has made me desolate And faint all the day. (Lamentations 1:13)… And where one or the other must be chosen as reality, otherwise you will be only wasting your time, because you are really escaping the advanced or Biblical means that awaits you to forgive this world, meaning, to become like Jesus-Yehushua & the other prophets, saints, shamans etc. Again, in this dwelling place within your mind you either choose or power up God-Yahawah or the Ego, which are Thought Systems a.k.a Spirits. It is a raw crystallization operation taking place, or an undoing of the flesh-man belief (Thought System), denoted in some scriputes too & a phase we can musically refer to as Stanzas.

Flesh Under The Consuming Fire of Divine Light.

10 Heap together the bones, which I will burn with fire: the flesh shall be consumed, and the whole composition shall be sodden, and the bones shall be consumed. 11 Then set it empty upon burning coals, that it may be hot, and the brass thereof may be melted: and let the filth of it be melted in the midst thereof, and let the rust of it be consumed. (Ezekiel 24:10)

Thou hast removed my soul far off from peace. (Lamentation 3:17)

In this often lamenting oriented operation, here we are called to see that we never were in charge of our inspirations, hence can not technically take individual credits of anything. Here, we are basically a moving corpse & this is why It is very common to not have any passion for anything, because you must allow your adjustments to the world be melted & re-adjust your mind or heart to a Universal Course within. And due to the depression that follows from the lack of passion, we tend to be very fatigued, & sleep a lot just to have some sense of peace, but again, it is really Gods finger tips trying to keep you still so that it can mold or shape you like a sculpture. But from the perspective of flesh & the world – like Jobs friends – this does not appear so; It’s more like God has left us because there is no inspiration for that which we once thought as our life. It is very good to know that this phase will pass, & the whole purpose of this process is to make your biological self aligned with Source/God/Universe, and to follow his Will (may lead you to be initiated to channel “UFOs”) so remember to rest a lot. You are being prepared for a more Biblical perception of that which *IS*, so your brain is literally rewired to receive more Cosmic energy, & de-clutter your mind from past concrete linear thinking. Without feeling dead you would be placing goals based on your old way of thinking, your ego. You would stay stuck in the world, & eventually be caught in the up coming Lock Down & vaccine traps, which is Georgia Guide Stone written human sacrifice ploy as means to rebel against the Biblical “UFOs”, which many Dark night survivors are initiated to channel to this planet to kill Rothchilds & their entire Nations, including our Caucasus mt or Clean Leper friends, because they suffer a Clean Leper condition which is an avatar that has paralyzed to flesh & has no hope to ascend 5D waves, hence, are together, along China & Japan, applauding for a 5G system, but expecting the remnant of Nations to join these steps towards a completed atonoment in death of Self.

The Dawn Of Multiverse Reality.

So, during this Dark night, You are officially becoming multidimensional. You will attract so-called new “spiritual” friends but who in majority were reptilian hybrids who appear esoteric, so stay alert. They are garrisoning multiverse timelines by analyzing peoples awareness, then snitching about it to FBI database. Here you are in a important phase of realizing you are the dreamer of the dream (Physical Universe & people) they want to study so allow your physical  biological self to catch on to this realization by resting as much as you can, for there are more intense DNOTS ahead of you that may hint that you are well advanced thus about to sleep soon & enter a secret inner wine cellar which is an advanced dwelling place or a hidden realm within where God has prepared a banquet for you & is not dependant on the world, the bible, prophetical events, or time. You will know when this takes place like a naturally dying bird that sits still In readiness to shed it’s body. As for the first DNOTS experience: Try to enjoy the fact that you are in a sped up process of self realization. Once you are in a DNOTS it is fair to say that there is no turning back. Give up your will back to God for you are far too gone now to return to your own vomit, which has killed many rebellious ones. You have basically raised your consciousness to a degree that it will be very hard to go back into your old habits, old friends & family members who are suffering different levels of forgetfulness, & are not attracted to any forms of reminders or Light. You can’t go back because you are Ascending now and this time you can feel it. Dark night of the soul is very painful process because you are contrasting your old comfort with the unknown future, but once you get out of it, you will have intense confidence in you to a point some people, especially children, animals will sense it and will be attracted to your Christ like Aura. You may also find weird encounters with people in general. Some may look at you with awe and are over curious to know about you, while others will get the hell away from you being angry at you for no reason, usually reptilians who are jealous of you, for their specialness is fading. Some people may even fall in love with you. Nocturnal dreams will get more prophetic. Its also good to to mention that some old relationships with family and old friends will come back but you will be more discerning with them this time and will more than likely not invite them anymore because at this point you are dead to the world of time, and really just waiting to be either lifted up, or be a Prophetical Guide for the little ones: The Biblical elects, who will be the next waves of Kings, celebrities etc. This means that after the energy consuming DNOTS experience, you will get your energy back and start to get hints of what you should be doing with your life, which may have nothing to do with society, so do not place expectations because many people after this stage are guided for end time preparations, and some of us are guided to channel Biblical clouds or “UFOs” to destroy Rothchilds family bloodline & their Nation. You will discover spiritual gifts (healing, prophecy, counselling, guidance) at this point, and you will eventually find the right platform to express this. The benefits are incredible. Hang in there because things will get beautiful. It will not be easy though.

I want to quote something from Patrick John Colemans blog. A Shaman from Chicago who helped me few times in my toughest days in the past, and I pray for him for the temptations he suffers.

What most don’t realize is that the dark night is a gift and you leapfrog over years of spiritual development in a mere matter of weeks or months. Some can stay locked in a Dark Night for years and the quickest way out of it is to give up. Let yourself feel terrible because chances are you’ve covered up those feelings in the past. Perhaps you’ve drowned your terrible feelings in distractions such as TV or engaged in addictions to make you feel artificially better. What’s happening in the Dark Night is that things are being set back into balance. You’re being reset and emotionally cleared for the next phase of your life as a spiritually awakened person. Where the shattered aspects of your soul have been collected and healed and you are now free to move through life unhindered by negative thought patterns or limiting behaviors. For that is the ultimate blessing of the DNOTS.


As you can see, the Dark Night of The Soul is not exactly fun, but beneficial. It will not look like that for a while, and it may take a while before things get brighter. But it will, because it did for me, not materialistically per-se, but on how I was able to view or perceive life and attacks of others. When I say that things will get brighter I am referring to a state of mind & nothing external. You can be in peace regardless of what happens externally, even if you are dragged to COVID19 FEMA-camp, and punished by death for not taking the vax and RFID-Chip which is the Mark Of The Beast in Johns Revelation & explained by the modern Hebrews from their Biblical perspetive. When you are at peace, which is the Cause, then the outside world, which is the effect, may appear to change. It usually does change because you are aware of different parallel realities, but they are all vanity, because the content is separation; Reptilian & Gray invaded, who guide the Fake-Jews. Dark Night of The Soul heals us speedily trough purging ones Ancient Soul like an iron molded & shaped by fire, which is why it is disturbingly painful. And again, there may come more Dark Nights as you progress, but this time you will navigate trough them as an Adept.

DNOTS video.