Losing Your Old Life: A Paranormal Initiation.
WARNING: This is one out of many old articles I have re-edited & bug fixed in 01.01.2022: The Final Countdown which ended with a blast of “UFOs” in Ukraine, hence my work is done, and we are at readiness to see them kill mankind who were at fear to uncover the real purpose of the world and relationships. Now, it is very unfortunate for visitors in this site to just stick with these writings. You have to eat the whole roll, or you will remain a stagnant water, which will eventually rotten. You are called to prepare your mind for Biblical “UFO” euthanasia or WW3. Some less Biblical realm oriented minds Will Ascend as ‘Dr Manhattans” to a state Samadhi which may not deal with the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth volume, for it is still a preference & may not be ideal voyage for the Nomadic or “Dr Manhattan” graduated ones. But the typical scriptual or physical narrative, & accepted as an gentle, ideal transition by the collective, is to be ready for this world to end trough “UFO” invasion & Atomic bombing of America. Then, to be beamed up to the Biblical clouds; to be part of establishing this planet again, if it’s your desire. Because when it comes to earths pineal codes, you must become a man, and woman must become a woman who follows her mans guidance to receive this metaphysical or spiritual vocation, where teacher & pupil are one, not in alliance. All roles – men & female – must be fulfilled to end the dream of bodies, and it is this that you fear: To disappear as a body trough the fulfillment of your part. This is why you stick with these early writings. This is why women flee from high vibratory men, this is why parents will sell us out to death in COVID19 -Ukraine-Israel-world war 3 era. And this is why we lose people in our lives. Fulfillment actually means the end of dreams, but the secular world, still today, does not want paradise established in this world which evaporates concrete perception & releases the bodily Awareness where the minds-eye need to extract electronic charges from others to establish ones separated identity stops. When you become a means to fulfillment or someone that can lead people to life everlasting, you will learn to read peoples minds saying “Hell no I won’t go!” as hippies did in the 60s before Vietnam war. The modern spiritual concepts from Teal Swan to Echart Tolle, again, are just new ways to cope with a broken dream state; this world, that has become overfamiliarized or overlearned by many that true change remains avoided & fought against due to this fear to be released from chains. Only by understanding this can you truly forgive our vicious so-called family members & so-called friends. They will not be perceived as part of your life as this Ancient dissonance hits it’s peak, but not trough attack, although in form, things will appear harsh, as with Jesus; especially when you are the only one reflecting the little willingness to experiment the relationship to separate Celestially, or to join as minds, which would allow a possible separation be. The test of time appears more vicious around parents because it was based upon love & hate dynamic, where it appears that peace get’s reestablished after a quarrel, but only to find out that the familiar people invested to the world tend to adjust their egos to seek & find compromise with your new self in fear of losing you, or what they perceive as what is familiar to them. But this compromise they seek creates bitterness & tension in their hearts because they will feel a sense of sacrifice & will eventually, deep inside, blame god for this, taking the form on attacking you again or bating you to attack them. This is why understanding the dynamics of letting go is so imperative.
(Psalm 41:)
Even my best friend, the one I trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me.
(Job 19:14)
My relatives have failed, And my close friends have forgotten me.
If you decide to rebel by not eating the whole roll, your beloved “event” or 5D-4D Ascension waves will kill you, not save you. As long as you have the need to project your issues to the people falling away from your life, especially your parents, you are still coming from a childish place of dependency, or neediness. This means you still perceive your self as a child, not Spirit. Eventually you have to let go of your parents or perceiving them as your parents. We are talking about letting go of this self you thought to be you by replacing the physical or neurotic dream with a gentle Awareness which results in the collective gentle dreaming or 12 Tribes of Israel based mountain or governmental body. And it’s projection of a world order or Collective Dream State – a happier illusion – filtered trough the vision of Jesus-Yahawahshi. I think some will be escorted or transported to Plaedians or other earth like realms with a Nomadic touch hence will not participate on Earths second Volume which unfortunately includes the extinction & slavery of Caucasus mt. This transition of worlds between Esau/Flesh to Jacob/metaphysical requires a strong spiritual readiness & your current wounded self can not be released if you still think your self as a child with emotional needs, which, by definition, includes the need to blame others, mainly your parents & extended family members like friends. And even other authority figures, to whom you will eventually project the same neediness as you did with your parents, who you think made you to become who you are, must be released with no ego. This blame of others produces intense guilt that inwardly invites an Alien or Radiactive Shock Wave to your system – a distorted identity. This is the same self hex, or shocking, that gets repeated by separated minds but literally spawned a body, because the people in your life were a means, established by you, to actually continue find meaning to condemn God & authority figures following his Will – like Jesus – to death, due to your perceived suffering, but which you see others as the causative Agent rather than your insane decision to geniously program situations in the entire system, to remain miserable, by participating to share or torrent this Thought System or Spirit, that supports a Freemasonic world or enterprise that was funded Ancestrally by all of us, to sustain it self via our & your spiritual & physical pains which then aims to trap others too, for misery needs company in order to feed it self & declare a Universe within it self that leads no where but further cannibalizations, like a cancer. Meaningless life is same as mindlessness or a reprobate spirit, that can not function in 4D energy where means & end are perceived as One. And where the concept of God, Spirit & his creations, as separate concepts, holds no purpose.
“You, then, have two conflicting evaluations of yourself in your mind, and they cannot both be true. ²You do not yet realize how completely different these evaluations are, because you do not understand how lofty the Holy Spirit’s perception of you really is. ³He is not deceived by anything you do, because He never forgets what you are. ⁴The ego is deceived by everything you do, especially when you respond to the Holy Spirit, because at such times its confusion increases. ⁵The ego is, therefore, particularly likely to attack you when you react lovingly, because it has evaluated you as unloving and you are going against its judgment. ⁶The ego will attack your motives as soon as they become clearly out of accord with its perception of you. ⁷This is when it will shift abruptly from suspiciousness to viciousness, since its uncertainty is increased (ACIM, T-9.VII.4:1-7)”
Awareness: Breaking The Frequency Fence.
Your world is saved when you radiate to others the awareness that their attacks had no effect on you in content – in form, it gets dark – as did with Jesus or Yahawahshi, because everyone is psychotic by believing they exist. And are addicted to guilts nostalgic sensations & the need to use Sin as means to maintain the collective belief in Guilt alive by adjusting their minds to a systematic frequency that stimulates Flesh-awareness deriving from attack. This guilt projects flesh & can be only healed by demonstrating “others” or the guilt driven One sleeping Super Ego, that it’s separated parts (little egos) – from your parents to sell out governments, & friends – were not able to steal your understanding or peace, which in return radiates frequencies of serenity to the cosmos & eternity & will make you feel increasingly better & effective in your tasks. Only from the dwelling place of hard earned peace of mind will you receive the gift to perceive truly, hence make smart judgements, but without any personal investment to fix others when the people in your life settle to destroy their own morals or spirit by selling out in WW3 era; which is the need to remain in the dream as bodies & preserve a fragmented image of the One Self. As you demonstrate forgiveness in content- & which does not mean you don’t do this with austerity & firmness – this lets them be released from the nails of unconscious guilt & reinforced belief in Sin or unforgiveness, which is a victimized spirit in contract with Reptilian-Annunaki entities who are foreign entities (illegal aliens) using your drama to harvest energy for their own survival. And so by becoming aware of all this, You truly heal the world, for here you Lightwork by demonstrating it is forgiven regardless of the rest not reflecting any mercy back. This is the mystery of Jesus-Yahawahshi & other masters message. If you do the work, you gain deeper serenity or tranquilty of mind even when they will most likely not be aware of the healing occuring in their unconscious minds. Your parents, especially, want to know they are freed from their debt to you even when they will most likely not graduate this Universal test, by still perceiving themselves as unforgiven. You did your part though, & the compass to know you are becoming free is the feeling of becoming lighter or Joyfull, which are interchangeable in meaning & a peace that passeth this world. Becoming lighter is becoming aware you are forgiven & being forgiven means you Ascend out of an Ancient burden demonstrated well with Homer’s Sisyphus. This awreness is the end of dreams where you may appear to be here to others like Jesus was, but like Jesus, your Awareness is increasingly outside of the Dreams Dual Frequencies, where you are fully aware you have always been in Heaven but fallen to a coma like dream state, surrounded by minds or sleeper cells that have total belief invested in to the “reality” of a non-existing world. And are under a hypnosis to unconsciously defend their relative belief systems, which in content are all the same: To defend to accept the daily means (relationships) to forgive this collective mess. Then literally leave the stage by Ascending the tough Jacobs Ladder, which is also a Biblical path, because we are surrounded by Ancient demonic traps that are equally Sons in need to be seen, then forgiven. On this phase & which only gets activated after one of the toughest phase which is Ancestral Karma purgation, your life becomes an Angels & Demons movie mixed with other genres. This stage will not be believed by the popular culture, but it will shock the Top Freemasons, Warlocks, or “elites” because they are hiding in this same dwelling place, but by using un-organic means to remain there, like rituals, Unforgiveness of the One, Grimoires & Andrenochromes. Like Saint Teresa of Avila knew: This dwelling or interior castle, is not a physical place, which is just an after effect of a decision: A goal that you set. The effects or means comes second to a goal you set up by deciding to hear, then listen to your Calling, or just continue In believing The Collective Consciousness the brain was programmed by us to work as its receiver or Antenna. This must be accepted to understand fully what it means to be free, & from what are you freed from in the first place.
(Psalm 69:8)
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children.
(Psalm 69:12)
They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was the song of the drunkards.
EDIT EDIT: Again, our old friends & family will sacrifice us due the need to feel guilty which the body of flesh stands as a persistent & Ancient reminding symbol, but can be translated to a medium or a static that extends the invitation to others to join the Love of God which produces healing on everyone & will melt the concrete bodily awareness after life time of very hard esoteric practises. This invitation or attitude gets largely punished by individuated minds perceiving the impersonal or Universal invitiation, as personally insulting, because the typical sense of relationships & values do not apply in Heaven. And must be first re-experienced trough a refreshed spiritual lens, then discard the wordly values authentically as holy valueless before receiving “5D” Awareness. The mission here is to understand & appreciate the power of our minds to remember & forget our Function. In forgetfullness, flesh apparently wraps the mind to forget the Super Egos seeming existence & the Capital Mind (Reality). And where the body is now perceived as an end of it self rather than a means to an end; to use the body as a forgiving instrument to pardon the world by realizing no one attacked you personally, they just had the emotional addiction to remain in the dream of guilty conscious, a foreign sensation of self, which miscreates a distorted illusion of time. In the final sequence of time – which is COVID19, Ukraine or Israel war – the form of times end is to decide to take or decline the Bibles Mark of The Beast. This sequence of a larger movie now focuses in the One disfunctioning realm known as RFID-microchip, but where this unconscious secret or deathwish becomes more pronounced, disturbing the minds who were unconsiously aiming to use WWE 3 as another means to blame. This is because WW3 is a global event – One Symbol – to worhip Justifying attack & where the epic Quest to harm ones self becomes so apparent it hurts & you either listen, or just die in anger, which is not Gods will. Yet, even here A Lightworker can project light on others even as the worker may be possibly put to death by the self abusing people, but people too proud or stiffnecked to admit this is the Truth, being told by a another human fellow, who knows healing is possible. This is another way of saying that the worker can reflect others an understanding that sees others being stupid & afraid to experience Enlightenment that has nothing to do with our Universe & even Heaven on Earth, which deals with physical Universe, a Universe not from God. This is why also the Biblical “UFO” euthanasia is really that: A euthanization of minds wrapped in the frequencies or experiences of fear. It is not an attack that has to do with anything personal, it is highly sophisticated metaphysical psychology that utilizes proxy to lure separated minds to continue their passive & explicit aggrressions in order for them to condemn themselves to a deserved death they chose for themselves.
Forgiving The Archonic Framework.
So, anyone who is embracing this rather difficult life curriculum will notice the people you thought you knew dropping out from your life bit by bit. You are literally jumping timelines or dimensions, which creates cognitive dissonance with the ones strongly magnetized to the Archonic framework, or Linear, one dimensional perception of life. The people who are trapped in the nine to five grid chose to go that way, due to having an unconscious rage towards God which must be projected outward. We have all been there, but some snap out of it, while others wont, due to the attraction to flesh, which follows from quilt. I have had many talented friends who wasted it all. These people chose to have meaningless spouses, sex and romance (Romance comes from the word Rome, and Rome was about death) The rest who did not choose romance, kids and sex, chose to listen to their parents, got a job (which means persecution in Hebrew) and did not question their parents, and the other so-called authorities. The so-called authorities, starting with the so-called Banking family, are actually the most rebellious beings, due to their ability to express their wrath of God on the entire world. They have blamed God to the point of sabotaging anything living on this planet, and are thus marked to be euthanized by the Loving forces of Creation known as “UFO” chariots. Unfortunately, one of the Elites best mocking towards God, was to use subliminal witchcraft to hijack peoples essence or spirit, and turn almost the entire mankind to adhere to a thought system that is against God, or the Universal intelligence which guides according to the laws of Oneness. This is why A Course in miracles says that the World was created as an attack on God. The situation has indeed escalated to a point that there is no way we have many years to go. The ones that claim otherwise do not seem to be gang stalked enough to realize the wickedness here is un-cureable. You have to use your brains here, dudes, we live a time where sodomy is worse than the times of Sodom and Gomorrah, and that place got destroyed in one night! The end is nigh, and those who can not see this, or are denying this, are for a rude Awakening. For many it has become too late. The country where I was born is a Biblical failure because I came across only one person that was able to prove me wrong on other areas, but I have my suspicions, that he was actually one of those good Reptilian hybrids or demon, which means intelligence, who is going trough their own unique lessons in order to be saved from uncontrolled reincarnation. The rest, especially the ones that are considered as humans, have a long way to go, and some are not going to make it.
Flaming Double Edged Sword Of Death.
The old 3D matrix based relationships are breaking down because majority of the people from your past are addicted to their linear misery, and want to marvel in it due to their fascination towards being miserable or in guilt that clutters the minds with self perserving thoughts patterns, in fearful hopes to defend from the threat a guilty mind perceives the world or others to be. Misery is very seductive only in this sense: it is a Doube Edged Flaming Sword of Death where fear is gladly expected from all corners, hence keeping body locked in ones awareness which also needs to be fed trough seeking & finding drama. Majority of you Awakening from this reality, which is a dream, know that to detach from the dream, we are also asked to look at everything that would keep us cemented in what appears to be here. Majority of our old habits, our thinking, our relationships, were doing exactly that: cementing us into the dream, trough our belief in fear or drama. You will be asked, even forced to let them go. Something dramatic comes eventually to separate you from others, if you have resistance. So, If you go back to your old relationships, it is not unheard that the people of “higher consciousness” feel depleted after spending time with people still not aware of the things happening on this planet: A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. So, we live in an atomic or vibratory Universe, a deeply quarantined part of it, that pretends to be solid, or dense. It seems that we are separated, apart from one another, but we are indeed just one mass of Atoms/Atum as reminded by Hermetica. We are One Mind or A soup of Consciousness and with that comes natural Laws to abide with: This experience can only be reactivated after hard
Frogivenss lessons. We are all one Mind, little abstract egos within a Larger Sleeping Super Ego that dreams of death, hence only trough your forgiving aura will you radiate our 5G generation with something which is sacred (5D Awareness) & is a Natural Light always within & healing for you are re-introducing a Ancient vibration to the Collective Sons mind. The body or flesh, is a symbol of the dream of death. Your Old friends perceive the world as solid, and like to pretend we are separated like Iisac Newton and other masons insists us to believe. And do force others to believe the density of our carpet of time as a military tactic. It takes many years to change your perception from upside down to right side up perception. This shift in perception will effect the brain, & skull, hardcore, in ways you may not be able to function in particular careers anymore, and will be forced to move. It takes time to change your perception from linear perception to one which is at vertical axis. Our brains as infants were programming itself to prism-cross our optical vision because we perceive God upside down, hence before the brain renders our vision, we literally see the world upside down as infant, check it out. Again, these changes will effect the physical body as well, & will cause a de-mutation process. You will feel your inside changing, which is why a lot of rest will be required, yet this is where many will not support you, & will bombard you to get a job. You will need much rest because like Paleo Hebrew language, which is red from right to left, or our sun signs that starts from Airies going counter clockwise to Pisces, so does your system or thinking become gradually reversed, & you may not be able to work for some time, but endure, for your job is the greatest one, for you were trained for WW3 & eras of famine. This is where Faith comes in because we live in a system, that attacks God, which means even Gods initiatives will become questioned, or persecuted along their already hard tasking transformation of receiving cosmic knowledge, that will become a golden ticket to survive the coming COVID19, Israel war or WW3 waves. A time people, including your scoffers, will reach out to you for help. Others will die due to their pride of not admitting you did a life time investment. But as always, remember it is all happening within a dream and it is all about forgiving the One hive mind appearing as many & afraid to leave the familiar dream by choosing reincarnation which is not Sin.
Modern System: A Ego Strategy To Sustain It Self.
Attacking your peace, or rest, is one the worlds favorite ways to distract your divine downloads. This is where Gang stalking steps in for example. It is a phase that reminds you that your transformation is becoming alarmingly obvious that you become classified as Extraterrestial or threat to the government… It is inevitable because you are becoming a receiver to the 4D waves, and spreader of this energy, but an energy which certain nations are bound not to be able to receive anymore. This nation is known as the Caucasus mountain blood line from the human-ape mountains or caves. They are known in the bible as the Nation of Edom who come from the guilt driven criminal consciousness of Kain, who later regenerated as Esau, the hairy and over calcified-swine fleshed Caucasoid human-ape. This family line is behind all organized crimes, and are here to prevent these ascension downloads using COVID19 vaccines, and eventually, the RFID microchip. You will have to use discernment to figure out if you are part of this bloodline or not, because there are people that have Caucasoid physical resemblance but are not Caucasoid by Blood. This concept was revealed to the public implicitly during the times of Hitler as well, who spoke only for his tribe of Biblical Amalekites, the Fake-Jews or Khazars, who are the main tribe of Caucasus human-ape bloodline, the most carnal or flesh based family in our history, but very intellectual to justify attack. Amalekites do not serve other Caucasus human-ape tribes as well, and in fact, are currently using their bastard brothers and sisters to be sacrificed to COVID19 injections; to their pagan gods to fight against the self sacrifice of Jesus & modern Natives, in order to prevent these planetary 4D downloads, which also includes the re-introduction of Biblical “UFOs” that are meant to be channeled to euthanize, then enslave this tired criminal blood line & their allies who suffer different degrees of carnality which is mental illness.
Degrees of High Conscious People Needed Now.
Conscious people are needed on this planet right now. But before that, as your vibration gets higher, the jealousy, & hatred from your old relationships will become apparent, thus the idea to spend time with these people will lose meaning. You see, if your brain is not rewired in a way that can absorb higher consciousness, as earth is raising it’s Atomic vibration, then all the other realms that are less dense than earth, will rip you apart. This same consciousness is coming to this planet day by day which is why there is much confusion on the planet & 5G towers working as barrier from these healing waves. Awakening, thus, is very biological. That is why it is also known as Kundalini awakening. It is a big blow for the system, organs, brain etc. When a person is not aware of these planetary changes, they get depressed, sick, addicted to things or will have compulsions to distract themselves with overworking, and all other madness. Then the body breaks down, and you age fast, most likely will not make it. In my observation, people past the age of 30 without any spiritual initiation or even basic understanding of our global ponze scheme situation, are doomed.
Ascension: The Only Way to be Beamed to “UFOs”.
Awakening is an isolating-or Holy path because the path prepares you spiritually to leave this world behind Biblically or physically via “UFO” chariots, that guided Moses as well, out from Mizraim or “Egypt”. Without getting tired of your old life, you would not have the motivation to truly question the world, investigate, and find the singular cause of the worlds suffering, then release the world in spirit. Many have found ways to replace their boredom of life with new concepts like Echart Tolle, human design and the rest of new age variations that were militarized to find ways for people to cope an NWO system. We have reached an era now, where mankinds unfulfillment can be replaced with virtual reality trough a RFID-micro chip. I would not go there If I were you.
The Bible is a book that depicts a typical Ego Consciousness algorithm within our plane. It is not a religious book. It depicts the typical ending of criminal based civilizations, the typical attitude of carnal people when famine hits, and the typical reaction of women when government shuts the entire system in order to prevent planetary waves of information. In those times, and before the times of Noah, which some call Atlantian times, it was all the same; the need to continue the dream of bodies, and prevent the increasing awareness that this world is a dream, which never happened. The seeming end within a egocentric thought system is always to try and fuse all separated little ego minds to one AI vessel in order to dwell in illusions as an separated-autonomous egos. The first one who made an impressive, but failed attempt in our time line to shut our entire connection to the rest of creation was in Euphrates river of Ancient Afrika by Nimrod, using a Ziggurat structured portal known as tower of Babel. COVID19-Ukraine war, and the few major chaos magic still left, are just another attempt by the Rothchilds to fuse all little ego minds (people) to be at one with CERN or internet-database-body. To not comply with this, will lead you to trouble, and you will be sold out by the people you thought you loved: people without awareness of the One mind & lack faith in spirit by trusting their flesh & thoughts that seem private, but actually comes from a Larger Thought Bank. Your life falling apart, and becoming disliked by your family, friends or by your woman was a gradual education to accept the impossibility for carnal minds not to sell you out once things get rough: Meaning, smile at the silliness, in content. When Job suffered the chastising of the lord in the Bible, did not his wife curse god & Job out when trouble came? Or when Sodom and Gomorrah was about to be destroyed by Biblical “UFOs”, did not Lot’s wife look back, and died, even when she was told not to look back? This same cautionary discipline applies to today’s Biblical times too where majority of women are going to be put to death by Biblical “UFO”s for not being able to function in faith, which is a fundamental Law in creation, and outside the Laws of men. This example does not only apply to women, for it applies to all minds still hoping to seek & find salvation trough differentiation in intent & action, that leads to a cementing belief system known as the Ego & it’s required tax payments.
Matthew 10:21
And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.